I'm sorry that this had to happen. I'm sorry for everyone who reads this and I'm sorry for all of you that are like me, forced to live in this era of bullshit. This is my pain expressed through words to show you how great my pain is and still it can't stand in the universe, it's unstable. This is not personal, this is the real world.
The day love conquered all is gone, boy...and you're going with it.
Yeah, man. Disciple of K. Metaphysics.
The "I love you forever" era was cute, but it's about to be done
I'll shatter your dreams like an eclipse eternally blocking the sun
My feelings ain't never dirty, but indeed harder to catch
I came from the future to show y'all how real love's like
Now these parasites pretend they understand 100% of my heart
Try'na control perspective, but I'm here to change my ancestor's past
But here's a tip, for everytime you say "I love you"
Memories of me and you in your mind will go through
This ain't a movie, I'm not fan of a groupie
And I'm not the type of man you can afford to hate if you loved me
Cursed the Heavens and laugh when the sky electrocutes me
My Immortal Love stuck in your thoughts darkening dreams
No one could ever love you more than me and if it seems, they just got high deceiving skills
I'll lead you to your own destruction like sparking a fiend
'Cause you got no love in your eyes, never before seen
And that's the primary reason that I hate y'all bitches
I've been nice since I let each of you kill my heart the first time
Now I know you wouldn't do shit even if you saw me cry
I'm a Love Seeker with features that will reach to the listeners
But if betrayed, I'll stab you in the heart personally
Break the thermometer, tie you up and force your kids to eat mercury
Heyo, you knew from the start not jerking me, my brain was cold shut
After 2 weeks offer me your heart, "I'll love you forever, Chris"
...You're all getting shot, you little fucking treacherous bitches
This is the business and y'all ain't getting nothing for free
And if you play with human feelings I'm taking your best with me
You can call it reparations or restitutions
Don't betray your heart, boy...human feelings revolution
I want back all the time you made me wait hopelessly
And though I gave my best, you still see the worst in me
Fuck hatred and greed, learn to speak and behave
You choose purposely to live a life as indifference' slave?
Many people you see daily have hearts imprisoned in pain
For every love I've lost my heart beats alive in a grave
I was made by True Love to speak to the masses
Plant seeds of love in your mind and give y'all classes
When you'll miss me the most I'll burn myself down, just to bring heat to you bastards
Innocent, word's master, many say mine's obsession, but that's true passion
Intoxicated off the flow by the evil of the Masons
You motherfuckers will never stop me from True Lovin'
You better start see in colors, 'cause later time will have no compassion
You better off begging to come and eat on my table,
You better stop lying through the telephone cables
My pain's chemically unstable, set to explode
Foretold by dead sea scrolls written in codes
So if your love ain't shit, fuck all those you ever really loved
'Cause when you find someone with which you can really have a life like that
I hope when you look at him you see all the pain you caused in the past
Stuck in your mind, survived at the limits
Without someone to love with, only love dealers and gimmicks
This song shall murder your spirit
And leave your fucking heart rotten for the roaches and crickets
This is the business and y'all ain't getting nothing for free
And if you play with human feelings I'm taking your best with me
You can call it reparations or restitutions
Don't betray your heart, boy...human feelings revolution
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