"I love you, baby, I can't live without you. You make me feel good just by hugging me, you're the reason why I live"
How many times have you seen such phrases and how many times have you told them?
How many times have you broke up with a partner after having said such beautiful words? I see them everyday and words of love have became meaningless to me.
"I love you" are 3 simply words to me, they don't mean much, you have to prove that you love someone, words are not enough.
After how many dates you told to your partner "I love you" ? 1, 2, few...?
You don't understand shit about love. Love implies time and understanding. At the beginning all is wonderful, you feel like your partner is your perfect match, but you should be aware of the fact that you don't know your partner as good as you think. Most people just tell you what you wanna hear, especially if you're a fine looking woman. Don't let nobody undermine you.
You don't realize the magnitude of the words that come out of your mouth. You should be aware of the fact that "words" are the most powerful weapon a human being can hold.
You can't tell someone "I love you, I can't live without you" and then break up, that makes you look like a fucking idiot. In fact, most of you that are reading this are fucking idiots because you don't think about the words that come out your mouth, you just let that hole opened and all kinda shit comes out.
If people could feel the pain you inflict to them with "words", then you would reconsider about saying all kinda shit. If words could kill, most of the people on this planet would kill themselves.
What have you gained by saying "I love you" to all those people? Sure, you gain temporary happiness, you just think for the moment, never try and look ahead of time. Once the relationship is through what do you do, how do you feel? You know what have you really gained? A trail of broken hearts, that's what you've gained.
People who will truly love you are those that you less expect, and of course you're pretentious and you just want benefits, but you won't get none of that, 'cause you don't deserve it.
Why are you acting like we don't know each other? Why are you so selfish? I did everything and I got nothing. I knew the meaning of a bond, but now I feel the pain of losing one too. Thoughts be persecuting me daily, and they will be come to life in verses.
Focus, stay driven
'Cause when you stop fighting for your dreams is when you stop living
Have you ever met a person that has no dreams? What about those? What could this mean? They're dead? How can a dead person be loved so much?
It's obviously that we look always in the wrong spots and we care about people who don't care about us. Still we're ready to do everything for them.
Do you learn from your mistakes? Think of all the relations you've had. Was his fault or yours that you're not together anymore? Try look beyond the explainable and the black and the white.
Your perception of "love" is so slanted. To some people the rule "you get what you give" seems to not apply and it's just unfair because if it'd apply, then they'd appreciate the right person a lot more.
To see shitty people just observe the facts. You've did anything for someone you loved. You're not together anymore. She/He found a new partner and she/he's happy while you mourn in silence and don't have the courage to tell them anything because they won't care or you will be taken from granted anyway. They stop giving attention to you because they're selfish, they still don't understand that you're ready to do everything for them, even though he/she betrayed you.
You people are shit.
Don't worry wise woman and man, if you're really not like this then know that one day people will get what they deserve and "life is what you make it". Don't be like them, look ahead, sees the youth, don't let these people ruin your life.
One day I'll light up the sky like Halley's Comet and every shitty people will not be illuminated by it.
It's kinda bugged when affection doesn't meet you intentions
And affection that you get is only based on when you're mentioned
I remember we used to talk everyday, but now it's good if I get an "hello"
superba asta !
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